We're transforming outbound

We call ourselves "Sculpted" because Clay.com powers everything we do... but clay isn't much until it's sculpted.

You tell us your dream outbound campaigns, and we scale them with intelligent list building, AI and automation.

Generate the pipeline of a fully-ramped BDR team of 10, without the SDRs.

Meet the people behind

Jacob Tuwiner

In the last few years, Jacob generated 7-figures in revenue with outbound sales, but always struggled to blend targeted outreach with volume... until he discovered Clay while leading growth at ServiceBell. he founded Sculpted to help other tech companies generate qualified pipeline and ditch manual work.

Patrick Spychalski
Clay Wizard

Patrick runs Clay’s YouTube and LinkedIn channels and has been helping companies with their outbound and growth for over a year. He’s helped create hundreds of complex Clay tables and their accompanying tutorials. He also runs a growth agency and an app, which he grew to over 250,000 users.